Well - tied up outside the Grand Junction, the weather was fine. Until it came time to set up. And then, of course, it rained. There is some space inside - and more now than when we were rained on two years ago as they have removed a bar. But it is never great going inside in a pub - noise, heat, cramped spaces... However, I was not going to repeat the fiasco of 2 years previous when we actually set up three times - so I decided to go indoors. It is a general rule of thumb that if it is actually raining at set up time, we use available resources...
Of course, the moment we had finished setting up, the rain abated, and a general light drizzle ensued - the sort of thing that we are happy to perform in... And the audience started arriving. Lots of them!
Well - it was hot, noisy and cramped. And very hard work, fighting over a working pub. And the audience, I think, had to work as hard as we did. But we got through. The rain was steady, but not too heavy. Perhaps we could have gone outside - at least that's how it felt the whole time I was performing, looking out of the window - through the sweat - and wishing I was there.
But that's the job - making it work. And that's the satisfaction - knowing that you have created a little pocket of storytelling somewhere that it doesn't normally exist. I hope those that were there enjoyed it. I did. In fact, I relish the challenge of persuading a rowdy room to listen. But I am slightly sick, so the others tell me.
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